On October 12-13, 2018 the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis will present a workshop on trumpet ensemble improvisation practices in the 16th and 17th centuries. It is part of a research project headed by Igino Conforzi and Jean-François Madeuf with the goal of recreating improvised trumpet ensemble practice.
Lectures and Presentors
Peter Downey (Belfast), Detailed outworking of the structure of the surviving trumpet ensemble music collections from Verona, Vienna and Copenhagen
Edward H. Tarr (Rheinfelden), Modern realization of Bendinelli Sonata no.333
Igino Conforzi (Bologna), Possibilities of editorial realization for Sonatas by Bendinelli and Imperiale by Fantini
Jean-François Madeuf (Basel), Sound concept of the Renaissance trumpet from some organological evidence and written sources
Martin Kirnbauer (Basel), Some Music Boxes of the end of 16th and beginning of 17th century
William Dongois (Paris), Diminution et pédagogie de la diminution et esthétique de jeu impliquée
Lorenz Welker
Adam K. Gilbert
Jean-François Madeuf & Igino Conforzi will give a presentation of the whole research project, including an Improvisation workshop on a few sonatas by Bendinelli, Lübeck and Thomsen open to any trumpet players who wish to participate.
For further information visit: https://www.musik-akademie.ch/ schola-cantorum-basiliensis/ de/home.html