The programme of the International Conference that will take place at the Venaria Reale Palace (Centro Conservazione e Restauro "La Venaria Rele") on February 20-21 is available for download. The works will be followed by a concert open to a wider public (Feb. 21st 17.30 h) in the Hall of Diana. The Hall is decorated with the original cycle of paintings (1659-1661) by Jan Miel which depict various phases of vènerie at the court of Savoy, showing about 20 circular horns. The paintings are quite possibly the earliest european iconographical source for the employment of circular horns in hunting.
The practice "The musical Art of Hunting Horn players" will undergo UNESCO evaluation in the year 2020 (for details on the application click here). The international application (Belgium, France, Italy and Luxembourg) refers to the nomination of the art in the UNESCO representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanities. In this phase the application only refers to the french hunting horn, trompe de chasse, but the common origin of the instrument and practice at 17th century europen courts hunting ceremonial, and the parallel impact in diffferent musical contexts, as art music, might involve, hopefully, a further more inclusive application.