News & Events

ANIMUSIC 7th Congress Report

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Arnold Myers helped organize numerous brass lectures and performances for HBS sessions at the 7th International Scientific Meeting for Sound and Musical Instrument Studies presented by ANIMUSIC. The conference (July 4-7, 2018)

International Horn Academy Celebrates 15th Year

The Naturhornakademie Bad Dürkheim (International Horn Academy in Bad Dürkheim) is celebrating its fifteenth year with a number of events (concerts and seminars) this summer. Please see for more information.

Call for Proposals: Making the Jazz Gumbo, 5/9/2019 at CUNY

Call for Proposals: Making the Jazz Gumbo

An international conference on repertoires that Influenced and were influenced by early jazz and celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the death of James Reese Europe, presented by the Historic Brass Society with support from the City University Of New York Graduate Center

May 8, 2019

CUNY Graduate Center, New York City

As with a great gumbo, the creation of musical genres involve the mix of many elements. Some of those elements have been downplayed in jazz history. This conference aims to address those shortcomings and will focus on musical styles that helped create and were influenced by jazz. Special focus will be placed on James Reese Europe and the Harlem Hell Fighters who created a link between ragtime and early jazz as well as what Jelly Roll Morton intriguingly called “That Spanish tinge.” Exploration of cross-influences from Latin American music will be explored, most notably, early Cuban repertoire. Brazilian choro, maxixe and other styles as well as repertoire from Puerto Rico, and Mexico will be included. Music and history of composers such as Louis Moreau Gottschalk and Ernesto Nazareth will also be represented.

The conference will end with a period-instrument concert of the music of James Reese Europe and the Harlem Hell Fighters as well as late 19th and early 20th century music of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Brazil and works by Gottschalk and Nazareth and others.

Proposals for papers on those and related topics will be considered for inclusion in the conference.

Send proposals by January 1, 2019 to

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Richard Seraphinoff - 2018 Monk Awardee

seraphinoffThe Historic Brass Society is pleased to announce that the 2018 Christopher Monk Award has been presented to Richard Seraphinoff in recognition of his outstanding and sustained contributions to the understanding of the natural horn, its repertoire, historic performance practice, and manufacture.

Cambridge Trumpet- and Cornetto-making Classes

Robert Barclay, Richard Seraphinoff & Michael Münkwitz will again be giving their annual week-long trumpet-making course in Linton, UK beginning on June 11. Click for more information: Long Trumpet Making with Robert Barclay and guest appearances from Richard Seraphinoff & Michael Münkwitz | Monday 11th  - Friday 15th June | £880; Cornetto Making with Sam Goble and Andrew Hallock 2nd - 6th July.

New Conch Horn Book

conchJeremy Montagu has published an e-book, The Conch Horn, and posted a free pdf version of it on his website This study is a well-illustrated survey of shell trumpets across the world, from palaeolithic to the present day. It examines their history, species and use in ritual and in day-to-day activities for signaling and other purposes. The book is comprised of 6 chapters and an extensive bibliography. Geographic areas in which conch horns are examined include; Europe, the Mediterranean, Africa, India, Asia, South-East Asia, Islands of the Pacific and the Americas. It is surely the most extensive study of shell trumpets ever conducted.

Fifth International Romantic Brass Symposium

5th romantic brassTuesday 20 November Thursday 22 November 2018 at the by Bern University of the Arts (HKB) in Biel/Bienne, Switzerland

ANIMUSIC 7th Congress: July 4-7, 2018

CO2018 cartazThe Associação Nacional de Instrumentos Musicais (Portuguese National Association for Musical Instruments) has announced their 7th International Congress, to be held July 4-7, 2018 in Caldas da Rainha. The theme this year is "Beyond the Broad Coast Horizon: Diversity and Transversality in Cultural Heritage." The conference is being organized in conjuncton with The Historic Brass Society this year, and a "Brass Focus" section will be held under the direction of Arnold Myers (University of Edinburg). Those interested in attending should click here for more information. Click here if you are interested in submitting a proposal to present at the conference. The proposal deadline is March 15.

Summer Cornetto Workshops: Kiri Tollaksen

Kiri Tollaksen will be teaching two summer cornetto workshops: The Madison Early Music Festival July 7-14 in Wisconsin and the Amherst Early Music Festival, July 15-22 in Connecticut. For further information click on the respective links.

7th Indiana Sackbut Workshop

The 7th Indiana Sackbut Workshop, held May 22-27, 2018 in Morgantown, will focus on the music of Great Britain, which developed along a trajectory unique from that of music on the continent. We will spend time with compositions from the second half of the 15th century that were influential on the continent, then works from the musically vibrant reigns of King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I. With the goal of putting ourselves in the shoes of a town wait, hours of small-ensemble playing will be accompanied by sessions on solmization and mode, improvisation, and developing an overall understanding for the musical language, which includes reading from original manuscripts and printed sources. Without anyone being left feeling too out of their element, we want all participants to challenge themselves at an appropriate level, so modern editions of all the music will also be provided.

Foire aux Vents: Brussels Feburary 5-6, 2018

The third "Foire aux Vents" will be held on February 5-6, 2018 at the Royal Conservatoire of Brussels. The program includes concerts, paper presentations, masterclasses, and an exhibition of over twenty historic wind insturment builders. For more information visit

2017 News Archive

2017 HBS Symposium: New York, 13-16 July

Call For Papers and Performances

Historic Brass Society
International Historic Brass Symposium
July 13-16, 2017

New York University
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Musical Instrument Collection

As at the 2012 Symposium in New York, many of the leading early brass performers, scholars, instrument makers, collectors, curators, and educators will be participating in our 2017 HBS International Symposium. Of special note will be the premiere performance of a newly commissioned composition for serpent and ophicleide, a special workshop and period-instrument performance of the music of James Reese Europe and the Harlem Hell Fighters 369th Regimental Band, as well as other performances and many lectures and round-table discussions.

The Historic Brass Society is accepting proposals for period brass instrument performances and early brass lectures. All early brass topics from Antiquity through to the 20th century will be considered. Please submit a one-page proposal for either a performance or lecture. Lectures will be 20 minutes with an additional 10 minute question and discussion period added. Performances typically are 20 minutes to 45 minutes depending upon size and nature of the ensemble. Keyboard accompanists will be available if needed.

Submission Deadlines: November 1, 2016 For Performance Proposals; December 1, 2016 For Paper Proposals

Please send proposals to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Symposium Program Committee: Stewart Carter, Trevor Herbert, Jeff Nussbaum, Keith Polk, Bradley Strauchen.

2017 Indiana Sackbut Workshop

3/2 - The 6th Indiana Sackbut Workshop will pay a visit to Renaissance Naples, a melting pot of Hispano-Italian culture and ideas. We will be touching upon late 15th-century alta-capella repertoire, mid-16th-century improvisation, and the development of extensive chromaticism in the later 16th and early 17th centuries. As always, we will work towards adopting the frame of mind of a Renaissance musician: in addition to lots of playing in small ensembles, there will be sessions on solmization, theory and composition, and musical language, which includes reading from original manuscript and print sources. Of course, we want everyone to challenge themselves on an appropriate level, so modern editions of all the music will also be provided.

As was the case last year, an optional extra day of just sackbuts and dulcians from Tuesday, May 23 at 12 PM to Wednesday, May 24 at 5 PM will allow us to explore the more chromatic music from around 1600. The official workshop for sackbuts and early double reeds runs from Wednesday, May 24 at 5 PM to Sunday, May 28 at 12 PM at Waycross Conference Center in Morgantown, IN.

Here is a link to all pertinent information concerning registration and fees:

If you have any specific questions about the workshop, please feel free to contact Adam Bregman (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Juan Carlos (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). They are very excited (as always) about this workshop, so tell a friend and we look forward to seeing all those who are able to join us for this exploration and celebration of Neapolitan musical heritage!

Early Brass Workshop

6/12 - Brass Antiqua has announced the second annual Brass Antiqua: A Workshop for Early Brass. The Workshop is August 1-5, 2017 and held in Historic Winchester, VA. Clinicians are Barry Bauguess, Natural & Baroque Trumpets, Greg Ingles, Sackbut, and Kiri Tollaksen, Cornett. Daily Masterclasses, private lessons, informal evening performances, Grand Finale Concert for all, and an optional Sunday Mass performance on August 6, 2017

Go to Brass Antiqua for details and registration:

John Wallace and Brass for Beginners

11/15: Noted trumpeter John Wallace has recently collaborated with Kirsty Montgomery and Chris Hasselbring on the Brass for Beginners project. Brass for Beginners employs the use of history and natural trumpets to teach brass music to children. Wallace joined will join Montgomery and Hasselbring in a lecture demonstration at the London Music Expo this coming February and they will also do a presentation  at the NAfME Eastern Division Conference in New Jersey this coming April. A presentation with John Wallace is also planned for the HBS Symposium in New York on July 13-16, 2017. Detailed information on the project can be found at:

3rd International HBS Historic Brass Symposium July 13-16

The abstracts for the presentations and the conference schedule (newly updated 7/5) are now available.

There will be a pizza party on Friday evening at St. Luke's in the Field Church after the concert. The cost will be $10. Please pay via by send the funds to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or send a check to the HBS 148 West 23rd street #5F New York NY 10011. Please indicate that the $10 is for the pizza party.

Also, a bag lunch is available for Friday July 14th at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The cost will be aproximately $10. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to reserve a lunch.  As there are limited lunch opportunities in the Metropolitan Museum neighborhood, it is recommended to avail yourself of the bag lunch (sandwiches and sodas).

Current HBS membership is required. Please make sure you are paid up with membership.

2/13 - The HBS will present the 3rd International Historic Brass Symposium in New York City on July 13-16, 2017. Many of the community's leading scholars, performers, ensembles and instrument makers will be attending. Online registration and HBS membership is required. The  deadline to secure NYU housing will be June 7th.

Flyer including list of participants: click here.

The abstracts for the presentations and the conference schedule (newly updated 7/5) are now available.

There will be a pizza party on Friday evening at St. Luke's in the Field Church after the concert. The cost will be $10. Please pay via by send the funds to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or send a check to the HBS 148 West 23rd street #5F New York NY 10011. Please indicate that the $10 is for the pizza party.

Also, a bag lunch is available for Friday July 14th at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The cost will be aproximately $10. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to reserve a lunch.  As there are limited lunch opportunities in the Metropolitan Museum neighborhood, it is recommended to avail yourself of the bag lunch (sandwiches and sodas).
Current HBS membership is required. Please make sure you are paid up with membership.

2/13 - The HBS will present the 3rd International Historic Brass Symposium in New York City on July 13-16, 2017. Many of the community's leading scholars, performers, ensembles and instrument makers will be attending. Online registration and HBS membership is required. The  deadline to secure NYU housing will be June 7th.

Registration/Housing Info:
Flyer including list of participants: click here.